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MIHS Alumni Diary 2023

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Mary Immaculate School...... What to say about this school.? 

The word Immaculate itself says all about. The word "Immaculate" does carry a sense of purity and perfection. The school environment brings peace to Soul. The Teachings of staff imbibes morals to students’ minds. The prayers in this school lead to a fulfilling life. The education brings all the knowledge here.

We the students passed from here are greatly proud ourselves to say “” I am a Student of Mary Immaculate School ” We might not be aware of what it is during those times being in the school. After we came out and seen the world, we absolutely realized that our School sets apart from other schools for sure. It’s something beyond education.

Mary Immaculate School is something which is fenced around Values, Qualities, Morals, Education, Purity.

Diarysouls is being happy to start writing a Diary on the Alumni meet of MIS old students that is going to be conducted on Oct 21, 2023. This Diary contains all feelings/memories of the students who got passed from here. Many stories with the pictures will be included.