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My name is MAHA

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How one section of people is socialized to accept inferiority from the other superior section :

Where will I start from..I always yearn for respect..when someone disrespects me..ignores me while welcoming others just because I lack money or to seek happiness by humilating me, I try hard to get respect from them. I will keep telling myself that those that ignored me should welcome me voluntarily. such a day should come soon. I always wanted my family to be be respected.. but our society has its own standards to give respect to someone.. if has own house then respect..if look beautiful then give attention, if has money then welcome and cherish them. if not insult, humilliate, ignore, scold, damage their image, demotivate.


I failed in my fathers case. my dream of living a happy family life before these stupid people,came to an end. my father is a victim of this stupid stereotypical soceity. he is such a carefree man..he has enough skills to earn but lack of confidence(grownup like that) and bodily conditons did not let him go for work. but its fine he has given us education. but the pressure on him kept mounting a father he is suppossed to earn gold for his two daughters..get a own money for our marriage..will it just stop nonsense..It will prolong till he lives..he will be expected to gift my childern name keeping ceremony..age attending and so and so on...the very purpose of these traditions is just defeated..the actual purpose is to gather people..socialise ..get break from our routine lifestyle..rejunivate.. but for poor people..a function invitation is full of nervousness..pressure..  these just add financial burden for poor people like us who live among the rich people..the opposite of its purpose happens to poor i say fuck off with all these bullshit traditions..all these bullshits pressurised him..some people are there..sucha saddist..badass..if any innocent person like dad comes before them..uses him well..have to scold him unecessarily because they know he cant understand he cant reply..thus take advantage of innocent people..such a worst people..i cant keep being with my dad and protect him from these people..still i cant justify my dads death saying all this..but i feel like he is at peace now..but still my dream of living a happy family life before these fucking people just destroyed as a dream dad represents the depressed class and the victims of these baised discrimitative society..nissie academy days also keeps bothering me..see here how girls are made to come early to the the cleaning work..arranging work..whereas boys need not do all these..


Because for the owner lady they are bbooyysss they are kingss..and girls are slaves to these girl oppposed it.. you know why? becaussseee she is taught that a goooddd girl will not question..a good wife will serve her household chores..being good at studies..being a university toppper..getting a high paying jobs is not good for girlllsss..but serving husbands..being with kids..doing household whattt makes girl veryyy telling all these fucking nonsenses..our society successfully manages to safeguard this fucking slavery tradtion..and some people they proudly call it our culture..they take pride in it..what will happen when boys and girls are trained like this..tomorrow when they become husband and wife..wife will give up job..become slave to her husband..husband must go to job whether he likes or not..becuase he has a family to protect and maintain..if he is scolded by his boss..he will come home..scold his wife unecessarily and seek relief..she wont question..becuase a good wife suppossed to adjust his husband..fuckingg fuckinggg fuckinggg nonsenses are done in the society..which ruins the meaning of happiness, love.....and politicians,,administrators..their greediness..their thirst for power..


Poor people have become proper education given..just namesake degree certificate..the one who is graduated in english dont even know to fill a application form..seeks the help of other..again we are poorly educated with a that we dont question the govt..we dont have the knowledge how the govt works..these govt side people can easily take adv of us..many public services are of poor quality dad is one of the victims of poor govt hospital service..why many public services are poor..where does the fund go..why people not question the govt..because they are not taught to this in many section is made superior and the other section inferior..which is being hinderance to brotherhood.. this be changed..will all people get the right to live their life with dignity...
