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Keerthi's Diary

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Hello All..!!!

Happy New Year to everyone. Welcome 2023 and Welcome to my Diary.

This is Keerthi Bhavana. I got to know about DiarySouls from one of my family members. He suggested that to make a resolution to start the diary. I remembered the benefits of writing a diary. So I too showed interest and wanted to write a diary with the thought of improving my writing skills, expressing thoughts, and knowing a better version of myself. Thanks to the Diarysouls team for assisting in my diary writing.

I am a student in the 10th grade at Little Buds School. enjoying my school life. I study and enjoy myself with my dearest friends. For the next three months, my goal is to concentrate on my board exams and get good marks. This is all about me.

To say something about my day...,

Last night, I drew the New Year's wishes on the floor in front of my wishes with chalk pieces and coloured them with coloured chalk. While I was drawing the wishes, many mosquitoes bit me. Lol. 

Unknown to me, my mavayya took this photograph. So this should be the last picture for 2022 and the welcome picture for 2023. Then, around midnight, I wished my friends and family and received their wishes. I slept a little late at night and so got up much later in the morning. LOL. 

After freshening up, I prayed to God, asking for blessings. Late in the afternoon, my grandparents came, and I enjoyed spending time with them. Now I am planning to watch a movie on OTT with my family. I am going to end my New Year's day like this, in simple terms.

See you soon